Welcome to Day 12 of Parenting Pointers
and Mommy Refreshers.
My heart is to bless you this month
as I write 31 days filled with nuggets of parenting wisdom. Each one is followed by a refresher to help
you fix your eyes on Jesus and let your burdens go to Him. Sit with God in this moment. Find a place where you can breathe and hear
from Him.
Parenting Pointer
A Bit of Fresh Air
I’m sitting
inside writing this parenting pointer and that is a bit ironic since I am going
to encourage us all to go outdoors with our children. I could date myself and say, “Back in my day …”
and then tell you how we ran out the door at the crack of dawn and returned
home for lunch, went back out, came in for supper and finally were in for the
night when the street lamps came on. True story. No wonder the need for parenting books has
skyrocketed in this generation – our children are with us so much more of the
time we actually have to figure out what we are going to do with them!
though, some of my fondest memories of childhood were the unstructured hours
spent outdoors with my family or friends.
My family were hikers and birdwatchers and before you think that was
amazing, just know that I had many bored moments on some trail waiting for my
parents to spot a rare bird while I stuffed my hat with poison ivy for
entertainment (another true story). Despite
the down moments (which probably served to teach me a great deal about patience
and not being the center of the world and how to have fun with very little
material around me – except the poison ivy, of course) my childhood time spent
outdoors fed something innate in me.
Children are
made to be outdoors.
My friends
and I used to run through glens, hide in caves pretending we were the Boxcar
Children, build make-believe homes behind the grove of pine trees and bake mud
pies for hours. Who needed Minecraft
when you had all that?
Now that I am a mom, I make a point to send my boys outdoors many times a day. We educate at home, so I send them out mid-morning for a break. They ride bikes or scooters to our neighborhood park and play – the old fashioned way. When their friends come home from school, my boys hit the front door shouting, “See ya, Mom!” and spend the rest of the afternoon having sword fights, riding scooters, building homes for roly poly bugs or pretending to be spies. In the evenings after supper if the weather is kind enough we take a walk or bike ride as a family.
You may be
thinking, I want to send my kids out more too.
Maybe your circumstances aren’t quite as conducive as ours. I hope you can think through some creative
options with the resources you have at your disposal. All this being said, though, I’m not really
just talking about sending your kids
outdoors as much as I am encouraging you to take
them outdoors. There is a
difference. When you go out with them
and spend time in nature the whole aspect of what they do and how they view the
natural world can change.
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This one is called "Old Man's Cave" ... you can almost see the cave to the left |
Our family
has two different approaches to time spent outdoors. One is just enjoying time together outdoors
by eating al fresco or taking bike rides or walks or playing games in the
grassy area across from our home. The other
is going on what we call our “Nature Walks.”
These are patterned after the suggestions of the great British educator,
Charlotte Mason. We go into nature once
a week, taking notebooks, paint, binoculars and a blanket and we observe
nature. We take in what we see. We pay attention. We appreciate. On a less frequent, but still regular,
interval we take longer hikes in places further from our home to see other
aspects of nature together. Sometimes we
invite other families to go with us as well.
Whatever way
you get outdoors with your children, I encourage you to get out. Kick a ball around in the grass with them;
take them to the park and run with them on the playsets; ride bikes together;
explore a river, lake or ocean. Whatever
you do – do it together. You will be
building a love for nature that will last a lifetime and strengthening family
bonds as you do.
I have a habit I started over 15 years
ago. Each December I pray, asking God to
give me a verse He wants to work out in my heart and life for the coming
year. I wait for God to reveal a verse
and then I spend time sitting with that verse regularly throughout the coming
year. It’s sort-of like the trend I’ve
seen for the past few Januarys of picking “One Word” for the year. One year, about eight years ago, God directed
me not to one verse, but to a section of scripture in John 15. I want to share it with you here and share
some of what I got from marinating in that section of God’s Word for 365
I am the True Vine and My Father is the Vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not vear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them and cast them into the fires and they are burned. If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in my love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in my love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.
There is way too much to unpack there
for this short devotion, but I want to draw out an essential invitation. God is calling you to abide. He says it ten times … abide ... abide …
abide … Hear this sweet invitation in all its fullness as I share with you some
of the meanings of this word in the original Greek and what God is saying through these meanings. I encourage you to pick a specific invitation
which speaks to you and even write it on an index card or post it note for
yourself so you can see it and remember this sweet, personal invitation from
God to you …
with Me,”
“Tarry a while,”
"Slow down. I want to linger with you.”
to be present.”
“Put aside distractions and focus on Me."
"Include Me in what you are doing. Be present with Me.”
“Be held
and kept continually,”
want to hold you and keep you
as a
Shepherd carries the young lamb or
a mother
carries her infant near to her heart.”
Abide in Him. Allow Him to abide in you.
Abide in His Word – let His Word be in
your heart and mind this day.
Abide in His love – it is a safe and
fruit bearing place.
Just today, as you go into your life of
mothering, friendship, being a wife and other commitments, go out, but don’t
leave. Be present with God. Find shelter in His love and live from that
place of abiding.
I pray you found a breath of fresh air here and a moment to reflect and
recharge your battery. If you have
missed any of this series, all the posts can be found here. Come back any or every day this month to get
another Parenting Pointer and Mommy Refresher.
And, as always, I do love hearing from you. Let me know how I can pray for you or if
something I wrote here touched you.
Photos of Ohio courtesy of Pinterest.
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