Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Sabbath Thought


JViola79 said...

Beautiful pairing of a photo & words! So funny as before sitting down to the computer this morning, I opened windows to feel the early morning air which is so refreshing. May you have a blessed Sunday!

Lisha Epperson said...

Yes..the breath of life. Lovely words/work Patty!

HeartsHomeward said...

God is so intimate like that. I wish I were less amazed at synchronistic touches of His when they come. Thank you for blessing me by sharing His touch to you this morning.

HeartsHomeward said...

Thanks, Lisha!

Barbie said...

AMEN! I recently told a young gal that Jesus was just a breath away. Thanks for sharing this encouragement today.

HeartsHomeward said...

I have a quote, I think it is from Tolstoy, "God breathes through us so completely and so gently we hardly feel it." Isn't that a great thought for meditation? It is such a comfort and reminder. I'm so glad you encouraged that young gal. We can feel He is far for many reasons, but He is more than near. He is the closest of any.